A collection of resources to help your faith grow...
Baptism is an important step of faith in obedience and wittness to Jesus Christ.
Child/Baby Dedication
Children matter to God and the MCC Family. Click below for a sample of a Child Dedication Ceremony.
We want to get to know you better! Let us treat you to a meal and talk about your journey so far...
Make a date at the Church Office!
Resource Centres
MCC has Resource Centers at different locations in the Worship Centre.
1. Sunday School Children's Resources
in the Gr. 2-3 Sunday School Class Room
2. Youth Resources in the Youth Office.
3. Reference Resources in the Church Office.
All books are self check out and self return. Fill out the card in the back of the book and leave it in the basket. Retrieve the card when returning the book.
Reading Corner
The Reading Corner is a book lending ministry of MCC that focuses on INSPIRATIONAL Christian fiction and devotional works. The purpose is to provide inspirational stories and books that will edify our MCC family.
You will find the READING CORNER at the MCC Bookshop. Each month we will refresh this area with a new set of books from our larger supply in the MCC loft area. Check it out and see what's new!
MCC Bookshop
We have our own Bookshop at MCC in our foyer. Explore the shelves and make purchases at the office.